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경제학(전공) 연습장
2장. Agricultural Economics and the American Economy 농업경제학과 미국경제 본문
2장. Agricultural Economics and the American Economy 농업경제학과 미국경제
bloger_hwan 2019. 4. 13. 03:592. Agricultural Economics and the American Economy
농업경제학과 미국경제
▶ Three Major Components of Economics 경제학의 3가지 주요 요소
① Scarcity 희소성
The economic term for a situation in which there are not enough resources available to satisfy people's needs or wants.
국민의 필요와 욕구를 충족시키기에 충분한 재원이 없는 상황을 뜻하는 경제 용어
☆ Shortage vs Scarcity (부족 vs 희소성) 구분
- Scarcity 희소성 : Always exist 항상 존재
→ related to an unlimited or unsatisfied want
- Shortage 부족 : Always temporary 항상 일시적
→ often exist after natural disasters destroy goods and property
② Types of resources 자원의 유형
- Natural resources (Land) 토지
- Human resources (Labor) 노동
- Manufactured resources (Capital) 자본
+ Entrepreneurship (Management) 기업가정신/ 경영
③ Wants and Needs 욕구와 필요
- Needs : things that are really crucial to daily living 일상생활에서 정말 중요한 것들
- Wants : things that are not crucial to daily living 일상생활에서 중요하지 않은 것들
▶ Three Basic Economic Questions 3가지 기본적인 경제 문제
① What goods should be produced, and how much of each?
→ The law of demand and supply in market economy
② How should these goods be produced?
→ Answered by agribusiness producers or manufacturers according to what will yield the greatest profits
③ Who should get what and how much?
→ Answered by determining who has the greatest needs, wants, and ability to pay
▶ Economy System (경제 시스템)
- Capitalism (자본주의)
→ Self-regulating system that excludes the government from economic decisions (정부배제)
→ Market forces determine prices, assign, resources, and distribute income
시장의 힘 → 가격결정, 자원배분, 수입분배
☆ Major components of Capitalism
① There is private ownership of property and resources 속성 및 자원에 대한 개인소유권 있음
② The free market determines prices 자유시장은 가격을 결정한다
③ There is freedom of occupational choice 직업선택의 자유
④ There is minimal involvement from government 정부개입이 매우 적음
⑤ There is freedom for economic gain through profit or wages 이익이나 임금을 통한 경제적 축적의 자유 있음
⑥ Competition is a driving force 경쟁은 추진력이다
⑦ Efficiency is rewarded and inefficiency is penalized 효율성에 대해서는 보상, 비효율성에 대해서는 처벌이 부과
- Socialism (사회주의)
→ Public ownership of all productive resources 모든 생산자원에 대한 공공 소유권
→ Individual economic incentives are limited 개인적 경제 인센티브 제한됨
→ The government directs all decisions regarding the utilization of resources 정부가 자원이용 모든 결정을 내림
☆ Components of a Socialist Economic system
① The state owns all public utilities and large-scale industries 정부는 공공 사업체와 대규모 산업체를 소유
② Property is owned by society for the benefit of society 사회를 위해 사회에 의해 소유된 자산
③ Prices are determined by the government 정부가 가격 결정
④ Occupations are assigned by the government 정부에 의해 직업 할당(배정)
⑤ There is no economic incentives 경제적 인센티브 X
⑥ There is no economic competition 경제적 경쟁 X
⑦ There is inefficient production 비효율적인 생산 O
- Fascism (파시즘)
→ An economic system in which productive property, though owned by individuals, is used to produce goods that reflect government of state preferences.
생산적 재산이 개인들에 의해 소유될지라도, 정부의 선호도를 반영하는 상품을 생산하기 위해 사용되는 경제체제
- Communism (공산주의)
→ The government has total control of economic matters and private individuals have none everyone contributes according to ability and distribution is made according to need
정부는 경제 통제권을 가짐, 개인X, 모든 사람은 능력과 필요에 따라 분배되는 기여
- Mixed economic system (혼합경제 체제)
→ Each country has to decide how much power to give to each
정부는 개인에게 얼만큼의 권한을 줄지 결정해야한다.
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